Weight Loss Challenge testimonials
Di Suter - from Gran to Glam! My name is Di and I was an overweight, 50-year-old who had been merely existing for the past three years. After a depressing retrenchment, I comfort ate and nothing brought me any joy! But as luck would have it, I found a Weight loss Challenge and it was the kick-start that I needed to a better me. I lost weight consistently over the next three months. With each passing week I started to feel better about myself and losing 6.3 kilos was a prize in itself. I know how to continue losing weight healthily until I reach my goal weight. My whole outlook has changed and I feel on top of the world and have a new joie de vivre.
Since the birth of my son back in 2001, I have found it very hard to lose unwanted pounds; I have joined countless diet groups with no long term success.
In April 2010, I felt enough was enough and by chance came across an advertisement in my local paper advertising a twelve week Community Weight Loss Challenge.
I have dropped nearly 2 dress sizes and feel like a new woman. I no longer hear those demons in my head saying “I have nothing to wear” when I go out for the evening.
I'm Stef Koekemoer; I have a background as a Crime Scene Investigator (Policeman) and since a tramatic experience I was left with serious challenges. Over the years due to travelling and irregular eating hours, I gained a lot of weight, becoming obese with added health issues. Since starting on a WLC - Weight Loss Challenge, my whole life has changed! in the first 12 weeks, I lost 9,9 kg, 11,6% body fat and 130 centimeters. All my challenges are under control. To date I have lost 15kg, kept it off and I feel fantastic!
Herbalife Weight Management Program Statement: All weight loss claims refer to the Herbalife Weight Management Program which includes, amongst other things, a calorie-controlled diet, regular exercise, an adequate daily fluid intake and appropriate rest. No medical claims of any nature are made or intended in any of the stories submitted. The results will vary from person to person and are not guaranteed
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